Ultra Spec® Professional Interior Primers
A variety of interior primers specially for different substrates and purposes.
Ultra Spec Latex Vapor Barrier Sealer 573
- Ideal for wallboard and plaster surfaces
- Forms a moisture vapor barrier and reduces heat loss
- Easy to apply; fast dry for quicker recoat
- Hides well with excellent hold out
- Good adhesion
- Alkali resistant
- Perm rating of 0.58 when tested under ASTM D1653, Method A, Condition A
- Engineered with Gennex® Color Technology
Recommended for:
For new or previously painted drywall construction, plaster, composition board, non-bleeding woods, and concrete.
Data Sheets
Ultra Spec® Prep Coat High Build Latex Primer 580
- Fills and surfaces rough and uneven new drywall construction.
- Evens out various porosities between drywall paper and compound joints
- Easy to apply and dries quickly
- Same day topcoat
- Sandable
- Performs equally well underneath either Benjamin Moore latex or solvent based
- Helps make the finish coat smooth
- Minimizes minor surface imperfections: paper fuzz, minor sanding grooves, nicks and pinholes
- Engineered with Gennex® Color Technology
Recommended for:
Prep-Coat is designed to be used as a preparatory coating intended to create a smoother painting surface.